Josh Kingcade Bio

Josh Kingcade is the Senior Minister at the Preston Road Church of Christ in Dallas, TX. In his role, he preaches weekly, connects with people, and provides leadership and planning.

Josh received his BA in Biblical Studies from Oklahoma Christian University in 2004, an MDiv from Oklahoma Christian’s Graduate School of Theology in 2008, and a DEdMin (Doctor of Educational Ministry) from Columbia Theological Seminary in 2018.

His previous ministry role at the Memorial Road Church of Christ in Oklahoma City involved leading that church’s adult education and spiritual formation ministries. He still enjoys spending time with church leaders and teachers around the country, conducting teacher workshops and consulting with leaders about adult Christian education and formation as well as other church leadership topics. Josh has also taught college students, having served as an adjunct instructor in the College of Biblical Studies at Oklahoma Christian University since 2005.

Josh is married to Aubrey, and they have three children: Mariah (born 2008), Jayden (born 2009), and Myles (born 2010). Josh and Aubrey have served as foster parents with Lilyfield Christian Adoption & Foster Care and Angels Foster Family Network, and they have a love for all things related to foster care and adoption. Josh is a TBRI® (Trust-Based Relational Intervention®) Practitioner, having attended training hosted by the Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development at TCU.

Josh is an avid reader, enjoying works from all over the spectrum, but especially works by Wendell Berry, Walter Brueggemann, Rachel Held Evans, Stanley Hauerwas, Toni Morrison, John Steinbeck, Miroslav Volf, and N.T. Wright. He is also a long-time fan of comedy and can walk you through every host transition from all the late night talk shows.