Josh Kingcade

Photo: Amanda Taylor Photography

I’ve been in some sort of Bible class since I was born.

I went to children’s and youth classes at least twice a week at my childhood church.

I went to college and majored in biblical studies. And just for fun, I got master’s and doctorate degrees in similar fields.

But I have so much more to learn, like the rest of us.

I’m married to Aubrey, and we have 3 kids. We’ve served as foster parents, and I’m really interested in trauma-informed care for kids.

I love music and have played guitar since I was 10, and piano even longer. Apologies to my family who must endure my playing.

My family, enraptured by whatever I’m saying.
Photo: Mandy Stansberry Photography

Here are some TED talks I could give at a moment’s notice with no preparation:

  • Light Roast Coffee: Why Does Any Other Kind Exist?
  • David Letterman is the Best Late Night Host of All Time
  • Dave Matthews Band and Other Things That Were Better in the Previous Millennium
  • Irregardless: Just Because You Say It, It Doesn’t Make it a Word

Back to why this site exists.

My job is helping people study and live out scripture better. Maybe this sounds like you:

  • I love finding new things out – backgrounds, words, histories.
  • I love exploring deeper meanings and sometimes even chasing rabbits.
  • I love when something jumps out at me I hadn’t noticed before.
  • I love learning how to read the Bible more responsibly, avoiding quick, easy answers, and considering many viewpoints and options.

If you want to engage scripture with me, welcome aboard!

If you’re looking for a more “official” bio, click here.