Reading the Bible Responsibly 15: Camels and Needles

Published by Josh on

Can rich people go to heaven? What’s going on with Jesus’s statement about camels going through needles’ eyes?

Categories: Podcast

1 Comment

Richatd · October 25, 2021 at 8:54 am

I really like your take on this, Josh. Your explanation about the eye of the needle is very helpful.

JL has often said that she believes the guy ultimately became a follower. She admits that’s more intuition than anything, but her intuition is right a lot! LOL. Considering his focus on law keeping, I have wondered if he went away sad because he was thinking “Crap, I’ve got to go give all my stuff away,” rather than being sad because he was challenged to do something he was not willing to do. Now, is the consideration that he was sad because his focus on doing right to get in and the affirmation he was feeling because of the wealth he had accumulated was invalid.

I particularly appreciate your pointing us to Jesus’ use of hyperbole. I think that explains a lot of things that we have judged incorrectly.


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